Reusable Party Popper Craft

Reusable Party Popper Craft


The end of the year is almost upon us.  We are in the ‘Crimbo Limbo’ as I heard someone call it on the radio this morning.  If you want to prize the children away from all the screens and computer games they got for Christmas then here’s a quick and easy craft you can enjoy making together and then use to celebrate New Year’s Eve too!

The wonderful thing about these party poppers is not only are they reusable so the children can enjoy popping them again and again but also they are mainly made out of things you would be throwing away!  One of which is toilet rolls tubes.  This year we decided to make a few small steps to be a little greener and one of those was making the switch to Who Gives A Crap Toilet Paper. (You can see what we thought here)  It is made of recycled paper and they give 50% of their profits to toilet related charities.  We have found that the rolls last longer.  In fact we are just about to finish our first order which makes our toilet roll spending about £1/week which for a family of four doesn’t seem too awful!  If you fancy making the switch, have a look at the blog post as there’s a code for £5 off – not an ad at all.  We’ve genuinely been very impressed!

Anyway, let’s get back to crafting and using those toilet roll tubes.

You will need:
– Toilet Roll Tubes (one for each popper you are going to make)
– Wrapping Paper Scraps, Coloured Paper or the paper wraps the Who Gives A Crap rolls come in.
– Water Bomb balloons or small balloons
– Scissors
– Pritt Stick


1.) First cut some rectangles of wrapping paper or coloured paper which are big enough to cover the toilet roll tube.  Don’t worry it they are not the perfect fit as you can always tuck the excess into the roll.  Cut enough rectangles for the amount of party poppers you wish to make.


2.) This next bit is a little bit tricky so an adult may need to help.  Snip the tip off the balloon or water bomb. Put your fingers inside and stretch the balloon and put it over one end of your tube.  The water balloons will go neatly over the end.  The balloons will just go a little further up the tube.  Pull the balloon up until the tail is dangling down and the balloon at the bottom of the tube is taut.  Use the tape to secure the balloon to the tube.
Tie a knot in the balloons tail as this will stop it going up into the party popper when you use it.  Don’t worry if you forget – you can use a biro to push it back out again!


3.) Now put glue all over your your toilet tube and use your wrapping paper or coloured paper to cover it.  If you have any excess, simply tuck it neatly into the end of the toilet tube.  If you are using coloured paper, you could now decorate your party poppers with felt tips, stickers etc.


4.) Finally cut up your wrapping paper scraps into little pieces to make the confetti for the insides.  Put a little bit into the bottom.  Don’t be tempted to over fill as they won’t work.  Less is definitely more.  Then simply pull on the balloon’s tail and this will send the confetti from the inside into the air.

These are the perfect size to have as favours on the dinner table.  However if you want to super size your party popper into a confetti cannon, you can use a pringles can instead.

If you want to use your party poppers outside, you could make biodegradable confetti by using dried leaves and a whole punch!

Our Christmas Dinner Settings with our Party Poppers!

Other Christmas Crafts you may enjoy:
– Christmas Gonk Craft
– Santa Hat Bunting
– Snowman Decoration
– Camel Craft
– Reusable Party Popper Craft


  1. Great fun idea. Never herd of the term Crimbo LImbo but know that feeling. My late Mum loved party poppers – used to drive my OH mad but that only made her like them more! #StayClassyMama

    Liked by 1 person

  2. These are such a fun idea. I like that you can make them out of things you would have around. Might have to try them, you could adapt them for whatever season or party. Sorry this is slightly late, new baby in family, arriving a little earlier than planned and caused a bit of drama. Thanks for linking up to #stayclassymama

    Liked by 1 person

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